Picture this: organic industry leaders, from farmers to businesses to retailers, gathering in the nation’s capital for three full days to work together on solutions for the complex issues surrounding organic food and farming. 

Organic Week is a meaningful series of events built around discovery, collaboration and advocacy for Organic Trade Association members looking to help shape decisions that impact organic. We will focus on continuous improvement in organic, celebrate organic leaders, and work together to advance organic policy priorities like bringing organic to the table in national conversations about climate change. 

Your contribution will:  

Support keynotes from policy thought-leaders and industry influencers on the issues making news in organic.

Assist farmers and members participating in our Diversity & Entrepreneurship Program with scholarship support so they can sit down with Members of Congress and advocate for organic policy priorities. 

Honor the visionaries, leaders and heroes who are working to make our industry and our world a better place at the Leadership Awards Celebration’s organic reception! 

List of Sponsorship Opportunities